I say that the blueness we see in the atmosphere is not intrinsic color, but is caused by warm vapor evaporated in minute and insensible atoms on which the solar rays fall, rendering them luminous against the infinite darkness of the fiery sphere which lies beyond and includes it. And this may be seen as I saw it, by anyone going to Monte Rosa.
Again as an illustration of color of the atmosphere I will mention the smoke of old dry wood, which as it comes out of a chimney, appears to run very blue when seen between the eye and the dark distances. But as it rises and comes between the eye and the bright atmosphere, it at once shows an ashy gray color; and this happens because it no longer has darkness behind it, but this bright and luminous space. If the smoke is from young green wood, it will not appear blue because, not being transparent and being full of superabundant moisture, it has the effect of condensed clouds which take distinct lights and shadows like a solid body.
– Leonardo da Vinci
The idea behind the editing tool AETHER PRESETS was born because I wished my digital files to simulate my signature film photography style. Inspired by the milky, lucent light of my country, the simplicity and the harmony of the ancient Greek culture and the remarkable texture of film,.
My aim was to give my portraits perfect skin tones, and render a peaceful and genuine color palette that doesn't look excessive or artificial.
As the name implies, you're in for an editing set that always delivers bright, classic, ethereal, and timeless images. AETHER - which means brightness in Greek Mythology - was after all, the embodiment of the lucid upper sky. AETHER PRESETS smoothly apply to all light conditions met during a wedding day, and like me, I hope you can discover how easily they can transform your post-production processing and simplify your workflow.
THE SOWL WORKSHOPS is an annual wedding photography workshop established and coordinated by Sotiris Tsakanikas, for a limited number of attendees. The Secret Owl is a community, a small but substantial society that gradually turns into a “family”.
Every year renowned professional guests of honor, will join Sotiris to share their experience and knowledge, to guide and inspire us.
We wish to share a common space and to entirely devote our time to photography away from disruptions. We love the energy and the dynamics of breathing aside like-minded people who are as passionate and in love with photography as we are.
We aim to escape everyday life and find ourselves in places where photography is our sole concern and focus - pun intended-. We like to sit together at the table, share good food, drinks, stories, and insights; we like to dance and to unwind, and naturally, to shoot
The workshop is addressed to all those who love photography and aspire to take their work to the next level, yet basic photography knowledge is required in order to attend.
Let´s work together on a real wedding. Time and material management is key when it comes to wedding photography. From the first click to the processing of files until the final result is rendered, I am offering you the opportunity to enter a real wedding photoshoot and acquire all the necessary objectives, aspects and actions to practically handle every case. Feel free to contact me for further information, workshop prices, and available dates.

If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to photograph it.
— Sotiris Tsakanikas inspired by Edward Hopper