But no — they were not perfect. And it was the touch of the imperfect upon the would-be perfect that gave the sweetness because it was that which gave the humanity. ― Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D'UrbervillesWe step in the land of infinity, where the unbounded pursuit of the essence of life has been for eons manifesting itself through philosophy, spirituality, and art.As we journey back to the Hellenistic Period (323- 150BC) the idea of still and unabridged perfection abates, allowing for the innocent movement and emotion to flow. The strings of precision and form are gently detached; character, vitality, and incarnation manifest themselves in patterns, transparency, and texture. Beauty does not conform to canons. By being thoroughly distracting and infatuating it becomes palpable, emotional, seen from every possible angle.The Greek gods had fits of sulks and family quarrels, their hearts cherished freedom, movement and character and they would value one another in small and substantial details, in other words, they were just as imperfect as mortals. It is no wonder why love in ancient Greece was a deity as well.
Boheme Workshops: Boheme | Film Lab: Richard Photo Lab | Stylist: Tahnee Sanders | Planner: Stella & Moscha | Floral Designer: Celsia Floral | Dress Designer: Tara Lauren | Rentals: Weddings and Whimsy Santorini & Spread Love Events & The Cross Decor and Design | Venue: Sophia Luxury Suits Santorini | Cake Designer: Cake by Annie | Hair & Makeup Artist: Frantzeska Koukoula | Stationery: September Letters | Ribbon: Stella Wolfe